Have you noticed a relative, friend, neighbour, community members who may be experiencing any of the following?
- Deteriorating presentation or unkempt appearance
- Not caring for their personal hygiene
- Not buying gas or electric tokens
- Malnourishment/excessive weight gain and obesity
- Self-harm
- Using substances or alcohol excessively to cope
- Not collecting prescriptions
- Lack of support, lives alone with no family or friends
Things you can do to help:
- Start a conversation
- How are you coping at the moment?
- Find out who visits them and how often
- Do they need any help when things get difficult?
- Are they going out much?
- Listen and show you care
If you are worried about an adult, please ring 0191 424 6000 (during normal office hours Mon to Thurs 8.30am – 5pm or Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm) or 0191 456 2093 (evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays.)
If the person is in immediate danger call the Police on 999.
For links to useful agencies visit: https://www.southtynesidesafeguardingappp.co.uk/appp/appp-links/