We’re looking for participants to take part in research on NHS healthcare travel costs.

Are you?

  • Over the age of 18?
  • Live in South Tyneside or Sunderland area?

If so, we would like to talk to you about NHS healthcare travel costs.

What does it involve?

  • You will be asked to attend a 1 hour focus group. You can do this in person or online.
  • You will receive a £25 gift voucher for completing the research.
  • Your identity will be kept private. You can stop being involved at any time.

Interested in taking part? 

Sunderland University will be carrying out the research. Please contact them using the following details:

Phone – 07444 226 397

Email – health.literacy@sunderland.ac.uk

Source: https://www.stsft.nhs.uk/news/latest-news/we-are-looking-members-public-take-part-research-about-nhs-healthcare-travel-costs